

Moms and dads who care about their children’s education are being ignored and worse, being called domestic terrorists by the Biden administration. To make parents the primary stakeholders in their children’s education, Governor Giuliani will double the number of charter schools statewide. Charter schools are a wonderful example of a successful public-private partnership in that the government provides efficient funding to a program that must be accountable to those whom it serves. This accountability to the students and their parents is the foundation of a successful modern approach to education.

Another way Andrew will empower parents is to implement tax vouchers, which are among the best ways to give low-income New Yorkers the opportunity to send their children to schools that they would not otherwise be able to. Pairing this with more flexible school choice is imperative when giving CHOICE back to PARENTS. Vouchers have the opportunity to break the treacherous link between low-income students and low- quality schools.

Governor Giuliani will hand the power back into the hands of parents when it comes to their children’s education. That also includes parents’ choices on masking and vaccination — a decision that should not be made by the government or school districts.

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